4. Cubes in TM1
What are Cubes?
Cubes in TM1 hold data. They are used for storing the data. You can create a cube with 2 or more dimensions. The cells in the cube keep the data for intersection of elements of the dimensions.
Creating Cubes
1. TM1 Installation and Configuration
2. Setup TM1 Application Server
Also, I’m assuming you’ve completed the homework of tutorial 3
1. Create
We’ll create a cube which will store the data for different products for different months. We’ll use the dimensions that we created in third tutorial.
Open your TM1Beginner server that we created in second tutorial. Login using Admin as ID and no password.
Right click on Cubes node and click on Create New Cube.
The create cube box shows up. Now you can one by one select all three dimensions as shown in the following screenshot. Remember to keep them in the order specified.
Now click on Properties and assign Measure as measure dimension and Months as time dimension. It’s of not much user TM1 but is done for BI. Click on OK.
Now give the cube a name (Products) and click Create Cube. Your newly created cube will show up under Cubes node in Architect. Open it. Press F9. You press F9 to load (or reload) the data in a cube. Pressing F9 will show you the data (or updated data) of that cube.
Cube will show up like this:
2. Arrange Cube
Let’s arrange it to show the data in a better way.
Drag the Products dimension over Months dimension (notice the green mark) and leave it. Doing this will swap the months dimension with Products dimension.
Similarly swap the months dimension with measure dimension so that the measures exist in page (on top), months in columns and products in rows.
Double click on Products dimension, expand all nodes and click on OK.
Similarly double click on months dimension, expand and select only the months. Click on OK. Again double click on months and click Show all button this time.
Click on FY, copy it (Ctrl+C) and click Cancel. Again double click on months dimension, click Dec and paste the FY element that we just copied below Dec. Now select all elements and click OK.
Ready?? Press F9 and a new view will be opened in front of you.
This is much better. Now let’s save it as our default view so that from the next time when you open a cube, this view opens.
Go to file click on Save. A save dialog opens. Check mark Default check box and uncheck Private check box. Click on Ok to save the view.
From the next time the same view will open.
Create a new ‘Versions’ dimension which includes 3 items Actuals, Budget, NY Forecast (next year forecast)
Create a new Products cube (with name Products2) which includes 4 dimensions now: Products, Months, Versions and Measures
Arrange the cube so that Products exist in rows, Months and Measures dimensions in columns, Version and measure in pages. In months dimension, only Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 and FY should be visible. Final layout should be like this:
First of all, thanks for the tutorial. I followed it and have completed the homework. Can you please tell me what private refers to in the view save window.
When you’re not an admin, and try to save a view, you can save your view as a private view so that no other users could see it and it is shown only when you log in.
Hi, thanks again for the tutorial.
Hello… question… what Load on Demand check box means? It comes when I set the cube measure and period dimension.
Please could you let me know that?
and btw.. thanks for the tutorial.
and what is the load on demand thing mean?
I’ve also voted in your TI poll. Is it in the development stage? Can I signup for beta testers? Thanks.
Me too.. Just voted in the poll.
Load on demand has to do with server performance. By default TM1 loads all cubes in memory when server starts so that when you open a cube, it could be loaded faster. But it can consume resources unnecessarily on your server if you have many such cubes which are not frequently accessed.
So if you have such cubes, you can load them just on demand to save server resources. The option of “Load on demand” lets you do just that.