Error: Invalid (blank) application link appears in application and when you try to delete it or click on it, nothing happens but an error message is shown. Clicking on error messages also results in nothing.
Description and Message: Cannot find ” object on server <application server name>. Would you like to delete this reference.
Resolution: Restart your application server TM1 service.
Issue: Sometimes when you try to open a rule file in TM1, you receive an error saying “Initialization order error”
Just close the architect, open again and login.
When you’re authenticating using an active directory server and your authentication mode is set to 5, you need to provide additional details for connection parameters in ODBO connection properties.
ODBO Provider: IBM Cognos TM1 OLE DB MD Provider
ODBO Datasource: <TM1 server name>
ODBO UserID: <user name that you use to connect to your TM1 server>
ODBO Password: <password that you use to connect to your TM1 server>
Additional Connection Parameters: Provider String=”CAMNamespace=<your active directory server name>”
Leave remaining parameters blank.
ODBO Provider: IBM Cognos TM1 OLE DB MD Provider
ODBO Datasource: emp_dev_model
ODBO UserID: admin
ODBO Password: admin123
Provider String=“CAMNamespace=ADS”
Sometimes when you connect to your TM1 server you may get an error message that says:
“Server principal name (SPN) or the security context of the destination server could not be established”
- Issue: Client is not able to connect to TM1 server because of above error message.
- Cause: ServicePrincipalName Parameter is an optional parameter of TM1. It’s used to as below:
Read more details here: you don’t need to worry about this. It is used when using integrated login with TM1. Now if you’re not using kerberos security and don’t plan to use active directory server, there is no need to use integrated login anymore. - Resolution: Just go to options in your client and in login parameters (options at the left top), uncheck “Use Integrated Login” check box.
If it still doesn’t resolve your problem, you may check some other approaches at tm1forum:
ODBO Provider: IBM Cognos TM1 OLE DB MD Provider
ODBO Datasource: <TM1 server name>
ODBO UserID: <user name that you use to connect to your TM1 server>
ODBO Password: <password that you use to connect to your TM1 server>
Leave remaining parameters blank.
ODBO Provider: IBM Cognos TM1 OLE DB MD Provider
ODBO Datasource: emp_dev_model
ODBO UserID: admin
ODBO Password: admin123
- Just create a new process and in Epilog section, write SaveDataAll;
- Save it with name ‘SaveDataOnServer’.
- Create a new chore and schedule the process that we created in step 2, to run every hour.
- That’s it.
You can download the files directly at