Retrieves a value from a numeric cube cell.
CellGetN(Cube, Dim1Element, Dim2Element, ... ,DimNElement);
Cube - The name of the cube from which you want to retrieve a value.
Dim1Element, Dim2Element, ...DimNElement - Dimension elements which define that cell.
Important - Remember that these dimension elements should be in the same order as in the cube. So if a cube has Products, Months and Calculation dimensions in order, CellGetN should first use element from Products, then from Months and then from Calculation dimension
Return Type:
Numeric value which exists in that cube cell
CellGetN('SalesCube', 'ProductName1', 'Apr', 'Revenue');
Code to accumulate the cube values:
oldVal = CellGetN(‘Sales’, ‘Product1’, ‘Actual Version’, ‘Jan’);
newVal = NVALUE + oldVal;
CellPutN(newVal, ‘Sales’, ‘Product1’, ‘Actual Version’, ‘Jan’);